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Personal Effectiveness Profile

Rate yourself on each statement on a scale of 1 to 5 based upon your current sense of your self:
1 = I never think, feel, or behave this way.
2 = I do less than half the time.
3 = I do 50% of the time.
4 = I do more than half the time.
5 = I always think, feel, or behave this way.

Consider these statements:
_____1. I like myself, how I look and how I behave. 
_____2. I have value for myself and others. 
_____3. I am capable of having what I need and what I want. I have enough to share with others.
_____4. I hold on to resentments and do not express my anger. I can control my emotions.
_____5. I always tell the truth about what I am feeling or thinking to myself and to others.
_____6. I appreciate my uniqueness and do not need to compare who I am or what I have to other people.
_____7. I feel of confident and compete in my appearance, accomplishments, or possessions.
_____8.I take full responsibility for my choices, thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions and reactions. I don't blame others for how I am doing. I choose an appropriate response for each situation.
_____9. I have neutralized the idea of failure as a means of self worth. I learn and grow from my mistakes and my successes.
_____10. I practice positive innercommunication and replace negative thoughts with a positive ownership of my thoughts. 
_____11. I appreciate my human imperfections and my value to the world as imperfect as I am. I am perfectly unique for what I need to acomplish in this life. I am perfect in the eyes of God. 
_____12. I practice the golden rule towards others. Bless them first. 
_____13. I accept the weaknesses and humannes of others for I was there once, I do not hold resentment when they do not meet my expectations. I practice forgiveness.
_____14. I am responsible for myself, not anyone else’s actions, needs, thoughts, moods, beliefs or feelings.
_____15. I am able to stay centered in my own truth even when those around me think or feel differently.
_____16. I have released the “shoulds” and “ought to's,” which have punished me in the past. I pay attention to what I am comfortable and not comfortable doing, where I need to grow or change, and which consequences I am willing to accept.
_____17. I am responsible making the changes in my own life. I see fear and insecurity as a veil that keeps me in one place and that that needs to be walked through, taking manageable and realistic steps to move forward and learn what I need for he next steps along the path.
_____18. I have forgiven myself and those who have hurt me for doing so and not caring for my wellbeing.
_____19. I will not use violent, abusive or controlling behavior to manipulate or dominate others. If I allow others to dominate me it is because I choose to for my own good reason. I am capable of determining if their dominance is healthy or unhealthy for me.
_____20. I find meaning and have purpose in my life and all who have joined me for a reason, a season or a lifetime.  
_____21. I am establishing healthy physical and emotional boundaries for myself and for with others around me.
_____22. My health and wellbeing is priority on a on a spiritual as well as physical level.
_____23. I have a contribution to make to the world. I recognize that a gift is only a gift when you give it away with our reservation or expectation. 
_____24. I follow what is true for me and seek truth in all transactions of communication. I follow through on the things I commit to do for myself and for others.
_____25. I spend my time as I choose, when I choose where I choose and with whom I choose. I have eliminated all eccentric demands on my time.
_____26. I am worthy of the trust love and respect of others.
_____27. I have a right and the ability to be happy and live in joy. I will not  depend on others to do this for me.
_____28. I focus on realistic expectations for myself and others.
_____29. I choose to love and respect others regardless of their beliefs and actions, whether or not I have a personal relationship with them.
_____30. I have a keen awareness and am able to communicate with the spirit of God in me.

This examination is designed to help you identify beliefs you hold which limit your ability to achieve. Consider your answers and how to change your expectations for your self. Do not characterize or judge your answers. Accept them as a street sign for where you are now and to help you determine where you want to be.

This examination can be used as a periodic measurement of your progress. Low numbers indicate beliefs and thought patterns that may be blocking you from abundance and the abundant life that is yours.

Each of these statements can be used as a daily affirmation and an opportunity for reflection on specific experiences during your day and your actions or reactions for each. Set a goal to work on one quality everyday or for a week until you change your awareness.   Repeating them to yourself three times out loud changing your voice and inflection each time helps change your awareness of the values in each affirmation.

This examination will help you understand other people better as well and appreciate where they are on their own path. Recognizing that someone has issues to overcome makes it easier to forgive and feel empathy. Remember you were there once not too long ago.

This examination is copyrighted by the Life Strategies Network. Any use, duplication or publication without express written consent is prohibited.

Happiness, personal power, satisfaction in work and in healthy relationships, are elements of success and are all built on a strong ability to communicate effectively. Self-esteem is a quiet, comfortable feeling of acceptance, confidence and love for yourself – as you are and an appreciation for others as they are. Your actions and behaviors are based on love and truth eliminating characterizations and judgement, and nurturing yourself and others so you can become all that you are capable of being.  A high achiever takes responsibility for their choices and accepts all outcomes as valuable in their path to abundance and the abundant life. Good communicators live in a place of deep peace with only good intentions honoring and respecting themselves and all others.

The Life Strategies Personal Efficacy Examination gives feedback where your thinking limits your achievements. Read each of the twenty-five statements to yourself each day. Contemplate their meaning and what you need to do to improve in the areas you are weak. Log specific manageable and realistic action steps in your Life Strategies Network journal with a timeline to complete them.  They are affirmations to overcome limiting beliefs and practice thinking and speaking in positive terms.

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